Not Available for Sale in Canada
1 Pint Concentrate (makes from 6-12 gallons of spray)
Take Down Garden Spray is a mixture of pyrethrins and canola oil which can be used to control a wide range of insects during the dormant and growing seasons. The unique combination of pyrethrins and canola oil has a dual effect which helps to control both adult and juvenile insects.
Take Down Garden Spray will kill the following insect pests: aphids, beetles (including flea beetle, Japanese beetles, asparagus beetle) caterpillars (including gypsy moth caterpillars, tent caterpillars, leafrollers, diamond back moth larva) ants, mealy bugs, mites, leafhoppers, scale insects, whitefly, adelgids, plant bugs, fungus gnats, thrips, sawfly larva, psyllids, spittlebugs and phylloxera.
Mixing Ratios
Growing Season: 1 oz of the concentrate with 3 quarts (96fl oz) of water (1 pint concentrate bottle will make 12 gallons of spray)
Dormant Season: 2 oz of the concentrate with 3 quarts of water (1 pint concentrate will make 6 gallons of spray)
Note: Do not apply Take Down Garden Spray within 21 days of applying a sulfur fungicide.