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Cicadas are large dark-bodied insects that are up to one and a half inches long, with transparent wings. The presence of cicadas is often identified by the loud, strong sounds made by the male cicadas. Damage is done by the cicadas in three ways 1) adults chew into and suck the sap from young twigs; 2) juvenile cicadas live on or in soil, and chew and suck sap from a tree’s roots, thus placing significant stress on the tree; and 3) the most damaging is from the female burrowing into branches to lay eggs. When laying eggs, the female cicadas will make dozens of holes into the tree to lay eggs, with each of the dozens or even hundreds of holes disrupting the tree’s vascular system. In some cases, making so many holes that the branch will physically break.

Recommended Steps to Control Cicadas

At the first sign of the male singing, spray the tree with Borer-Miner Killer spray. Repeat the spray after seven days, and continue as necessary. Cut off and destroy any branches that are severely infested with egg holes.