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Root Rot

There are several different types of root rot that can attack, damage and kill trees including Armillaria Root Rot, Phytophthora Root Rot and Phymatotrichum Root Rot. There are also many common names for these various root rots including cotton root rot, Texas root rot, mushroom root rot, oak root rot and many other names used in various regions throughout North America.

Some of the symptoms of root rot include the dulling of normal leaf color and the loss of a tree's growing vigor. Often leaves may wilt and turn yellow or brown. Major branches can also die or show excessive signs of wilt. In fruit trees, a sign of root rot is often the lack of fruit production on any of the lower branches, with fruit only visible on the upper branches. The roots can also appear to be decaying and the lower trunk and cambium layer of the tree often have brown spots. As the root rot spreads it is also possible to see small white mushrooms or white fan-like plaques or strands develop around the base of the tree trunk.

Root rot, if left untreated, can cause rapid tree decline and death. Trees sometimes live for many months in a weakened state, while others will die very quickly.

Recommended Steps to Control Root Rot:

To control the spread of root rot, remove dead trees and as much of their roots as possible. If the plant is newly infected, expose its base to air for several inches by removing 3 to 4 inches of soil. Root Rot should be treated with Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide or ArborFos Systemic Injectible Fungicide. The injectable treatment should be applied as soon as the first signs of root rot are identified. If using the foliar spray, repeat every 1 to 2 months and increase the dosage and frequency in more advanced disease cases.
