Not Available for Sale in Canada
For the effective control of phytophthora diseases associated with Sudden Oak Death (SDO), downy mildew, phytophthora, pythium and other root disease. Can be applied as a foliar spray, soil drench, bare root dip or as a bark trunk spray when combined with Pentra-Bark.
Garden-Phos can safely be used on a large number of trees and plants, including ornamentals, citrus, fruit and nut trees, vegetables and turf. Garden-Phos can be used as both a preventative treatment, as well as a curative on many different types of tree disease including: Scab disease, Apple Black Spot, Root rot, collar rot, crown rot, fire blight, Downy mildew, foot rot, anthracnose, bacterial blight and pythium and damping-off disease on turf. It can be used as both a preventative and curative spray. Garden-Phos is an effective replacement for Agri-Fos and Aliette.
How Much Do I Need?
Foliar Spray: In most situations, 1 Pint of concentrate makes roughly 24-48 gallons of spray. Spray every 14-21 days
Soil Drench: 1 Pint of concentrate makes about 768 gallons of solution (typical application rate is 25 gallons/100 sq. ft., once a month)
Turf: 1 Pint concentrate is mixed with about 2 to 10 gallons of water and covers about 1000-3000 sq. ft.