Not Available for Sell in Canada
32oz CONCENTRATE. Covers up to 4000 Sq Ft
Tired of cleaning up goose poop? Get rid of the geese now. Unsightly, unhealthy bird droppings can ruin the outdoor experience for everyone. Damaging grass and other vegetation, it's no wonder you want to get rid of them. All Natural Goose Repellent is a safe, simple-to-apply and non-toxic way to get the job done and it works on turkeys and ducks too.
Geese can't stand the feel or taste where All Natural Goose Repellent is sprayed. Environmentally safe, using only natural ingredients, All Natural Goose Repellent discourages geese from feeding, nesting and fouling in and around treated areas. Will not harm vegetation.
Application Tips
By applying All Natural Goose Repellent to food areas you make that area undesirable to geese, turkeys and ducks. This eliminates the food source causing them to look elsewhere for a feeding area. With no food and smells that they do not like the whole area becomes less inviting.
Simple to use, just spray areas with our goose repellent that are frequented by geese, turkeys and or ducks. Spray areas like lawns, fields, pond/lake edges, golf courses, even sidewalks. Apply at the very first sign of problems before feeding habits are established.
Grass should be cut prior to application. It's not necessary to blow or rake clipping from grass. Apply to dry grass and avoid irrigation to prolong effectiveness. It is best to avoid applying repellent during heat of the day.
May be applied year round as long as temperature is above freezing.
Reapply every 3-4 weeks, or, as necessary, to maintain control.