Zone: 5/6
Grows to: 50 ft.
When left to grow naturally, forms a wide-spreading, multitrunked tree and can make an outstanding unpruned specimen for a lawn or shady border. It is also often used for foundation plantings, hedges or topiary. Shiny dark green needles. Red berries. Erect, upright habit.
How To Start These Seeds:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: Warm stratify for 90 days+, cold stratify for 60 days+
Germination: Sow seed 3/8 inch deep, keep moist, mulch the seed bed, cover seedbed with some shade, can be sown outdoors in the fall for spring germination
Other: Sporadic germination may occur over a 2-3 year period
Seed Count Per Packet:
This packet contains 30 hand-sorted, high-quality seeds.
If refrigerated upon receipt, these seeds can be stored for up to a year before you decide to use them.