Deep Drip Watering Stakes are an excellent way to ensure that the lower part of a tree's roots are effectively watered and aerated. The Watering Stakes are constructed of sturdy ABS and PVC and are very durable and long lasting.
The 24-inch length size is perfect for small trees and shrubs with shallow roots and for trees in planter boxes. The 24.5-inch size is recommended for larger trees, including palm trees.
The Deep Drip Watering Stakes each come with a UV-protected cap which is used during the installation stage, and then serves as a protector to keep leaves and debris from entering the water zone. The cap also holds a ¼-inch drip line that can be permanently integrated with an automatic irrigation system.
Periodically, as the tree grows and the roots extend further outwards from the trunk of the tree, the Deep Drip Watering Stakes can be re-positioned using a screwdriver and the two holes at the top.
The Deep Drip Watering Stakes can be installed either by inserting the stakes during the planting process or by driving the stakes into the ground around existing trees.
2 to 3 stakes are recommended for newly planted trees and 5 to 6 stakes for well established larger trees.
The Deep Drip Watering Stakes are extremely helpful for trees in confined spaces, such as urban trees in boulevard or sidewalk casements.