Not Available for Sale in New York state and Canada. Certain other restrictions may apply.
Imisol is unique combination of both a Fungicide plus insecticide. Generally a combination of pests, not just one problem, causes the decline of trees and plants. Imisol provides long-run control of a range of insect and disease pests with a single application. Trees weakened by insects are prone to attack from disease organisms. In some cases, insects are vectors of diseases, such as the Elm beetle which can carry Dutch elm disease.
USAGE: A special formulation of debacarb fungicide plus imidacloprid insecticide is for use on ornamental trees. A combination of Mauget’s Fungisol plus Imicide in one application, Abasol provides disease suppression of over 30 disease pathogens and long lasting control / suppression of many insects.
Labeled for a Broad spectrum of insects and diseases
University and field tested
Completely enclosed, minimal risk application method
Since Imisol is a combination of Fungisol + Insecticide it will work to control these insects: Adelgids, Aphids, Asian Cycad Scale, Black Vine Weevil larvae, Bronze Birch Borer, Cottonwood Longhorned Borer, Douglas Fir Gall Midge, Douglas Fir Cone Moth larvae, Elm Leaf Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer, Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer, Eucalyptus Redgum Lerp Psyllid, Flathead Borers , Gall Wasps, Japanese Beetle, Lacebugs, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Mealybugs, Pine Tip Moth larvae, Psyllids, Red Palm Mite , Royal Palm Bugs, Scale Insects, Thrips , Whiteflies
Imisol will work to control these diseases: Anthracnose, Atropellis Canker, Bleeding Canker, Botryosphaeria Branch Canker, Cedar Branch Canker, Ceratocystis Canker, Coryneum Blight, Cytospora Canker, Diplodia Tip Blight, Dutch Elm Disease, Elm Wilt, Fusarium Wilt , Kabatina Branch Canker, Leptographium Canker, Melanconium Dieback, Mimosa wilt, Nectria Canker, Oak Decline, Oak Wilt , Penicillium vermoeseni, Phomopis Canker, Pine Pitch Canker, Pink Bud Rot , Thielaviopsis Decline, Vermicularia Dieback, Verticillium Wilt
The package contains 24 Capsule and Micro Injectors of 4ml each.
Dosage Per Diameter Measurement:
Measure the tree at chest height in inches. Measure the circumference, then divide this number by six (6) to determine the number of micro-injectors needed. If the number of micro-injectors results in a fraction, round down to the lower whole number.
Trees in advanced stages of insect infestation may not respond to treatment. The health, species of the tree and the environmental conditions will determine the rate of uptake.
Removal of Applicator:
Uptake in the tree usually occurs within several minutes. Micro-injector capsules may be temporarily rotated in place to see if any liquid is left. When empty, turn the capsules upside down for one minute before removal. It is important to remove micro-injectors promptly after treatment. Empty micro-injector capsules must not be left on the tree.
Required to undertake treatment:
(1) Portable electric drill
(2) 11/64 in. (0.4 cm) drill bit
(3) Optional soft headed mallet or hammer
(4) Tape measure
(5) Insertion tool (optional)