Zones: 2-5
Mature height: 75 feet
Mature Spread: 35 feet
This species is a popular landscape tree and is a good selection for northern climates. The attractive white, peeling bark is what convinces many to call it the most ornamental of the native birches. Birches are known for attracting birds and other wildlife and have outstanding yellow fall colour. Ideal for landscaping a garden as it provides interest even in the fall and winter months.
When choosing a location, keep in mind that the paperbark birch has a moderate to fast growth rate. This variety grows up to 75 feet in height and 30 feet in width. It can be planted in zones 2 to 5. Paperbark birch can be multi-trunked and they are pyramidal or irregular in shape. They prefer moist soil and should be planted where there is full or part sun. Avoid planting in very compacted soils.
Paperbark birch seeds are sown on the surface preferably in a humid/moist situation in half shade. They can be sown in the fall or spring/early summer.
How To Start These Seeds:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: Cold stratify for 60 days
Germination: requires light for germination, surface sow and keep moist
Other: Natural fall, spring or early summer sowing in mulched beds (half shade preferred)
Seed Count Per Packet:
This packet contains 80 hand-sorted, high-quality seeds.
If refrigerated upon receipt, these seeds can be stored for up to a year before you decide to use them.