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- Reduces watering by up to 50%
- Lasts 3 to 4 years in the soil
- GRANULES hold several hundred times their weight in water
What are Water Retention Granules?
This product is a polymer that absorbs many times its own weight upon contact with water. These water retaining properties reduce the amount and frequency of watering and improve aeration and water infiltration in the soil. Water Retention Granules have the greatest gel strength and stability and the highest rate of water absorption than other products on the market today.
Where do I use water Retention Granules?
It can be mixed in the growing media prior to seeding or planting. It can be used in the landscape prior to planting trees, shrubs or bedding plants. It can be used on lawns prior to sodding or seeding or it can be used as a root dip on bear root plantings.
What is the purpose of using this product?
Primarily to save water. It reduces the frequency of water and increases the water holding capacity of the soil. In so doing it reduces transplant shock, increases the shelf life of plants and prevents leaking of valuable nutrients from the soil.
How do I use this product?
On planting shrubs, trees, transplant vegetable and bedding plants, mix ½ the recommended rate in the planting hole and then use the other ½ rate in the backfill sod. On lawns prior to seeding or sodding apply to the soil surface and work into the top 6 inches of soil. Then spread the seed or lay the sod.