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Citrus Tree:


  • Citrus trees belong to the Rutaceae family and include popular fruit-bearing species like oranges (Citrus sinensis), lemons (Citrus limon), limes (Citrus aurantiifolia), and grapefruits(Citrus paradisi).
  • These evergreen trees or shrubs are known for their glossy green leaves, fragrant flowers, and, of course, the delicious and nutritious fruits they produce.

Geographic Range:

  • Citrus trees are native to Southeast Asia.
  • They are now cultivated in subtropical and tropical regions around the world, including parts of North and South America, the Mediterranean, and Australia.

Growing Conditions:

  • Climate: Citrus trees thrive in subtropical to tropical climates. They are sensitive to frost, and cold temperatures can damage or kill them.
  • Soil: Well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral soil is ideal. Container-grown citrus can be adapted to various soil types.
  • Sunlight: Citrus trees require full sunlight for optimal fruiting. They should receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Caring for Citrus Trees:

  • Watering: Citrus trees need regular watering, especially during dry periods. However, overwatering can lead to root rot, so it's essential to maintain well-drained soil.
  • Fertilization: Citrus trees benefit from regular feeding. Use a balanced such as the TreeHelp Citrus spike fertilizer spikes with micronutrients, applied in spring and late summer.
  • Pruning: Prune to shape the tree, remove dead or diseased branches, and improve air circulation. Avoid excessive pruning, especially in the first few years.

Common Diseases and Pests:

  • Citrus Canker: A bacterial infection that causes lesions on leaves, fruit, and stems. Infected material should be promptly removed and destroyed.
  • Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB): Also known as citrus greening, HLB is a serious bacterial disease spread by the Asian citrus psyllid. It leads to mottled leaves, misshapen fruit, and eventual decline. Management includes insect control and removal of infected trees.
  • Citrus Scale: Scale insects can infest citrus trees, causing yellowing and stunted growth. Horticultural Oil can be used for control.
  • Citrus Aphids: Aphids can feed on citrus sap, causing distorted growth and transmitting viruses. Insecticidal soaps or BugBuster II insecticide can help control aphid populations.

Promoting the Overall Health of Your Tree

To bolster a tree's defense against diseases and insect invasions, it is important the prioritize its overall health to reduce susceptibility. Enhance your tree care routine by employing the TreeHelp Annual Care Kit for Citrus Trees and adhering to a consistent, proper watering regimen.

Comprising three essential components, the TreeHelp Annual Care Kit focuses on ensuring the availability and effective uptake of proper nutrients. Inside, discover a custom formulated specialized fertilizer, mycorrhizal fungal treatment, and a green-up Biostimulant. The mycorrhizal treatment functions akin to bacteria in the human digestive system, breaking down nutrients and moisture into a form readily metabolized by the tree.

Recognize the significance of regular watering. Opt for less frequent, yet prolonged waterings when hydrating trees. The objective is to wet the entire root zone to a depth of 24 to 36 inches, not merely the surface. Unlike brief rains that only normally penetrate 5 to 6 inches of soil, leaving lower roots dry, a systematic watering program proves instrumental in sustaining urban trees. Embrace this comprehensive approach to fortify the vitality and overall health of your citrus tree.